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Meet Chloe! 


Chloe is a young girl who lives with her Mama and Poppa. She has a lot of imagination, ideas, and emotions. This makes her a great playmate as she always has interesting and fun ideas to share with her friends. Sometimes, she can be moody, so self-regulation is something she and her family are always working on. Do you know anyone like this? 
Chloe's mama is a Yoga Instructor; she learned yoga and mindfulness practices from her parents who were born in India. She got the nickname "Yogi Bear" from her husband and now Chloe calls her "Mama Bear". Mama Bear has lots of great ideas too, along with a lot of patience and compassion. 
Chloe's poppa is Indian and African-American. He was the first in his family to go to college and he graduated with a Doctorate! His family worked hard to help him through school and now they are so proud. Chloe calls him "Dr, Pops" because he helps everyone when they are sick, including her! Sometimes he gives her medicine, but mostly he gives her love, care, and good advice to stay well.
Chloe's Mama and Papa teach her the importance of all the ways to stay healthy, by taking care of her mind, body and emotions. 


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