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Meet Hamza!


Hamza and his family recently immigrated to the United States from Pakistan. Even though his parents got a decent education in Pakistan, they wanted more for their children.  From a young age, they saw that Hamza was very smart, with a special gift for number concepts; they wanted to give him every opportunity to learn and excel. Since coming to the US almost a year ago, Hamza has struggled with his identity and place in the community. He feels torn between keeping his traditional customs which help him feel secure in himself, and adopting more of the habits and pastimes of his new friends at school. His friends are welcoming and understanding, but not everyone in school is so kind.

Hamza’s parents, Ammi and Abu, are also trying to settle into their new home and life. They are Mulsim and are able to keep their prayers 5 times a day because Abu works from home with a tech company and Ummi bakes for a restaurant in town. They continue to speak Urdu at home, eat their favorite foods from home and observe Ramadan. Still, the demands of American life challenge them to stay true to the most important ideals from their culture: faith, prayer, generosity and gratitude. Hamza feels very protective over his little sister, Arfaana, who is only 4 and somewhat disoriented by the family’s sudden change in circumstances as well.  


Hamza and his sister face bullying from peers who are ignorant of their culture. They struggle with personal identity and adaptation to the new culture. The family is challenged with growing their new community’s understanding of their culture while also making sure that they are protected and included in this new society. Together Hamza’s family and school leaders help the community come together through education, understanding and finding common ground.


Story Collection
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