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Meet Luna!


Luna is a young girl who lives with her mother; they rent a small apartment in someone else's house. Luna is clever, creative and confident. She has lots of innovative ideas, so she likes to do things her own way and doesn't like to be told what to do by anyone. She needs a lot of freedom to make choices and learn on her own. Sometimes she wishes she had a dad at home like her friend Chloe, but most times she is content to be a family of two. Do you know anyone like this? 
Luna calls her mother "Momo Pomo" because, as a single mother, she has to be the mama and the papa of the family.  Momo is an Early Childhood Educator, so she knows how to have lots of fun, but she has to have other jobs to help pay the bills too. This can be tiring and stressful, so sometimes she is not at her best when she is at home with Luna. 

Even though things are hard at times, Luna and Momo make a great team.Together Luna and her Momo practice communication skills to help them get along more peacefully.  in their relationships with themselves, each other and their friends. each other and their friends. 


Story Collection
Coming Soon!

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