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Meet Rosie!


Rosie’s famous saying is “I’m friends with everyone!”, and it really is true.  She seems to be able to find the good in each person and only focus on those qualities. Even though most people think being a friend is just being 'nice',  Rosie models true friendship by always being honest and kind.  Rosie has a disease called “Down’s Syndrome”; it is not contagious to others, but for her, it will never go away. She also has a lot of allergies and sensitivities that the people around her need to be aware of to help keep her safe. 

Rosie’s mom and dad always say,“ Rosie is wise beyond her years” and they learn a lot from her. Rosie’s mom writes a blog and has a podcast to support other moms and to bring about awareness for people with medical conditions like Down’s Syndrome. Her dad has a breakfast restaurant in town, which has a special allergen free menu for customers to choose from if they need it of course. Rosie loves to help out at the restaurant on the weekends!


Rosie’s community easily learns from her and her family because they are so friendly and honest. Together everyone develops a new understanding of other’s health struggles and how to accommodate special health needs.


Story Collection
Coming Soon!

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