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Meet Sean!


Seans 's parents adopted him into their family when he was a baby. His older brother and sister don’t live at home any more but they like to build legos with Sean when they come home to visit. Sean is really good at building and makes extremely detailed vehicles and structures. His friends come to him when they want help with really complicated things. Sean likes order and wants things to stay the same all the time.This makes him very good at knowing the routine and rules at school, so sometimes he helps his friends to remember what they should be doing. Sean is on the Autism Spectrum and has sensory processing challenges as well; this can cause him to feel overwhelmed at times and then he can get irritable. Do you know anyone like this? 

Sean’s parents have a family law practice. His Mother says being an adoption lawyer is how she got the idea to invite Sean into the family. She also says Sean gets his hyper-focused attention to detail from his Father; sometimes they can both be a bit too rigid, so Mommy tries to lighten things up with her humor and silliness.
Sean's Mother and Father show him that everyone deserves all the love and support they need. Sean’s teachers and therapists introduce the whole family to autism resources and sensory aids.


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