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Meet Selena!


Selena’ was born in Mexico. She and her father came to America when she was a baby to live with his brother’s family. Selena is very interested in her classes at school, especially Earth science. You can most often find her digging in the dirt, studying bugs! Selena doesn’t dress or look like most of the other girls in her school and doesn’t relate to being a girl in the same way they do. Do you know anyone like this? 

 Selena is grateful for her tia, tio and primos, but she really likes to spend time with her papa. Papa goes out to work and spends long days in an auto-body shop fixing cars. When he works on the family vehicles at home, Selena likes helping him and learning all about how the car works. Plus, she loves to get dirty! Her Tia works mostly from home making tamales’ and selling them from a little cart on the corner. Selena loves to eat them, but doesn’t want to help in the kitchen!

People ask Selena and her Papa a lot of questions “Where is her mom?”. “Why is she always dirty?” “Why does she play with bugs so much?”  Even Papa doesn’t have all the answers, so he is doing his best to listen and learn as much as he can. As they learn, they help to bring gender identity awareness and education to others.


Story Collection
Coming Soon!

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